Sunday, May 18, 2008

REPORT- MLAA Board of Directors Meeting- May 13, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 pm by senior member Verlin Schauer.
All Directors elected at the May 13, annual meeting of the membership were present, Dave Elliott, Jamie Johnston, Joe Kuberka, Ron Lee, Richard Martin, Verlin Schauer, and Mark Shook
Verlin gave the board an update on the fire protection water tanks the board wants to install on the airport.

The first item of business was the election of officers. Elected were, President = Dave Elliott, Vice President = Joe Kuberka, Secretary = Mark Shook, Assistant Secretary = Jamie Johnston, and Treasurer = Verlin Schauer.

President Dave Elliott asked each board member to come to the next meeting with a list of projects they wanted to work on.

Monthly Board meetings were set for 6pm on the second Tuesday of each month so those association members that work outside the airport area will have the opportunity to attend. Ron Lee suggested the board may need to meet before it's regular June meeting.
Mark Shook then made a motion that the board establish a monthly work session 2 weeks after each regular monthly board meeting for follow-up, accountability for assignments, mutual assistance, and consultation between board members.

Board work sessions were set for the fourth Monday at 10:00am at E/W Systems. (Alternate days when Monday is a holiday.)

It was agreed the secretary would provide an agenda e-mailed to each board member at least 24 hours before each meeting, and post a copy on the airport web site.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25pm.


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